NATIONAL PARKS: La Cangreja National Park |
La Cangreja National Park
(2002). Newest national park. It`s placed in southern part of San Jose province (canton Puriscal). It`s flown by Rio Negro which shrunk three times in size from what it was 20 years ago. Its highest point is Cerro Cangreja (1.305 m.a.s.l.). It got 4.000 mmm of rain per year. It`s covered by the last virgin rain forest in the county. There are 2.500 species of plant species (spiny cedar, spanish cedar). Two species: Ayenia mastatalensis and Plinia puriscalensis are endemic to there alone. There are also 800 species of fauna (raccon. agouti, white-faced monkeys). It has been a protected zone since 1984.