(54.539 ha). It`s situated on Osa peninsula, in Puntarenas
province. Thera are about 500 species of trees throughout the park. This
represents one-fourth of all the tree species that exist in Costa Rica
(purpleheart, silk cotton tree - probably the tallest tree in the
Identification has been made of 140 species of mammals
(tapir, giant antheater, puma, ocelot, jaguarundi, jaguar, tiger cat, margay,
silky anteater, spider monkey), 367 of birds (harpy eagle), 117 amphibians and
reptiles (poison dart frog, glass frog, olive ridley, green, letherback), and 40
offreshwater fish. It`s estimated that there are 6.000 species of insects. The
park protects the largest population of scarlet macaws in the
country.Zamieszkuj± go wszystkie gatunki kotów w Kostaryce. Wzbogaca go także
największa populacja papug szkarłatnych w Ameryce ¦rodkowej oraz największa
populacja motyli i tapirów w Kostaryce. Ogólnie występuje w nim 140 gatunków
ssaków, 367 gatunków ptaków, 187 gatunków płazów i gadów, 40 gatunków rzecznych
żab i 6000 gatunków insektów.
In 1994 the park was closed for a few monthes due to the
gold seekers. There is a conviction that, in Los Patos (hills in the eastern
side of park) there are considerable gold-beds.