(9.154 ha). Situated in the foothills of the Cordillera de
Talamanca, southwest of la Estrella Valley. It`s one of the least known reserve
in the country. It was established in 1978.
Most of the trees in upper eklevation are more than 30
metres tall and the emergent trees top 50 metres. Commonly found species include
the crabwood, wild tamarind, silk cotton, possum-wood and nargusta. Freguently
seen animals are are the tayra, tigers, howler and white-faced monkeys and over
115 species of birds (Montezuma oropendola, vulture, chizo parrot, slatey-tailed
trogon, hummingbirds).
The zone is criss-crossed by countless rocky rivers with
rapids and waterfalls. In Bri-Bri Indian language, Hitoy means "shaggy", and it
can have something to do with stones covered by mosses. The second word of its
name Cerere stands for "clear water".