(5.600 ha), (1971). Park is located on the comtinental
divide of the volcanic Cordillera Central, from 1.500 metres a.s.l. on the
Caribbean side to 2.300 metres a.s.l. on the Pacific side.
Poas is a Andesitic balsaltic stratovolcano that towers
2.708 metres above sea level. It has breathtaking scenery and is one of the
three volcanoes on the American continent that is accessible by road. Poas
crater is the second crater of the world as regards the diameter (it has 1,5 kms
of diameter). At the bottom there is a circular hot lake. Two other craters are
named Von Frantzius (the oldest in the massif) and Botos.
The park presents four major habitats: an area of arrayans,
a stunted forest, a cloud forest and areas with little or no vegetation. Small
animal life is scarse. But some of 79 species of birds can be observed, among
others yguirros, b;ack guan, quetzal, green toucan, flame-throated