It was created for protecting different species of turtles. They lay their eggs from July to October. The most known are green turtles (Chelonia Mydas), Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) and turtles (Eretmochelys Imbricata). (It`s the most important nesting site in the entire western half of the Caribbean for the green turtle). The park surface is composed of widespread, aluvial flooded plain, which originated on consequence of contacts of delts with its winding meanders.
Bacause of the lack of roads and aboundance of formed in 1969 canals, the park is called "The Amazonia of Costa Rica". A natural system of canals and lagoons form a habitat for manatee (or sea cow), crocodile. The other species of animals in the park include: howler, white-faced monkeys, jaguars, ocelots, collared peccary, tayra, three-toed slothes, paca. Some of the birds which can be seen are the great macaw, currasow, turkey vulture, trogons, Montezuma Oropendola and black hawks.
This is one of the rainiest and most biologically diverse regions in the country. 11 habitats have been identified in the park with the crabwood, banak, Santa Maria, bully tree and dove wood, among the many types of trees growing there.
The highest peak of park is called Tortuguero. It`s believed to be piled up during the Second World War by USA troops, which was to help them for looking out for German submarines. In Tortuguero village, a Museum of Natural History is in use. It`s main target is to informe about necessity of protecting turtle species. Its workers distributed very informative leaflets and posters abput nonconsumption of turtle meat and eggs (in LImon province eggs were believed to be a vital afrodisiace).