[Av.Central-2/calle 2-4]. It has neoclasic, stone structure and is the biggest church in the capital. It was set up in 1871. (On the same place previously stood the chapel dated to 1827, which became to be a cathedral in 1850). It was designed by Eusebio Rodriguez. It`s destinguished by small corrugated dome, cased windows and corinthian columnes. Its interior has pattern, tiled floor and plenty of reliefs. A chapel placed on the north side of the cathedral has the biggest number of pictures, but is almost always closed. Lately, the cathedral was put to the detailed renovation works, during which all destructions made after the earthquake were repaired. In 1983 the cathedral was visited by Pope Juan Pablo II. That event is commemorated by marble plate. In the underground are burnt two first arsbishops: Llorent and Bernardo A. Thiel, and former president Tomas Guardia. In the south side, there is a XVIII-century Archbishop Palace. In the cathedral garden there is the statue of bishop Bernardo A. Thiel.