[Av.5/calle 9]. One of three experimental buildings made of metal, that were put in San Jose on the turn of centuries (1896). It has to do with catastrophic earthquake from 1888. The metal constructions were to save the new buildings from destruction. The process of building was under control of architect Charles Thirion. The metal elements were fabricated by Herrerias De Aisseau company and transported to Costa Rica from Amberes in Belgium. The first segments were shipped to Limon in 1892.

At the beginning that was devided into two parts: school for boys and school for girls. After big earthguake from 1910, there was an hospital for wounded persons. It`s painted in different shades of yellow with pastel moulds. The inside of the building could easely be the outer facade. Outside is accented with a bust of Minerva symbolizing "goddess of wisdom". During its building, around were only fields dominated by moskitos. Now it houses a school of Buenaventura Corrales.