HISTORY The beginning of the town -In XVIII century Spaniards recalled about Costa Rica and
began its further colonization. In 1730`s, in the place of nowadays town, there were
scattered some small settlements, among others Asseri, Barva, Escazu,
Curridabad, Pacaca. Inhabitants of Asseri proposed to build the chapel in
central point. The perfect place for that seemed to be Villa Nueva Boca del
Monte. On building it, the Saint John parish was set up. Soon, around the chapel
11 tiled and 15 thatched houses have been erected. The final date of town
foundation is considered 21 May of 1737.
The Iturbite Empire and Ochomogo National War -In 1822 Kreole officer Augustin de Iturbide set up in
Mexico his own empire. Costa Rica started pondering over if not to enter to it.
On getting the independence, in all centralamerican countries, more important
became so called town-countries. In Costa Rica, important role in country
politic played four towns of Meseta Central: Heredia, Cartago, San Jose and
Alajuela. Two first from them inhabited by conservative aristocracy, were for
entering the empire and two remaining ruled by progresive republicans were for
partly independence within the shape of Central American Federation. The local
quarrels quickly developed into civil war. After a brief battle in the Ochomogo
Hills (suberbs of Cartago), the republican forces emerged victorious.
The law "ley de la ambulancia" -It was brought by president Jose Rafael de Gallegos in 1835. It
depended on four-years capital rotation between four Costa Rica towns: Cartago,
San Jose, Heredia and Alajuela. It was canceled by Braulio Carillo.
La Liga nacional War and the beginning of capital -In September 1835, the opposing party, formed by Heredia, Alajuela and Cartago's local forces, attacked San José in what later became to be known as Guerra de la Liga (La Liga Civil War). One of the main reason for that was discontent of clergy with cancelling the tithes. This armed conflict was won by San José, who then became the capital of Costa Rica, and it remained that way ever since.
The earthquake in Meseta Central -On March, 18th of 1851, a strong earthquake hit Costa Rica.
Many public and private buildings in San Jose, Cartago and Heredia were
destroyed. In Heredia the structure of Catedral got to be out of balance.
The National Theater foundation -The immediate reason for building the national theater was
omission Costa Rica by world known primadonna Adelina Patti during her tournee
through Central America. There wasn`t enough place for her performance. It
influenced on coffee barons ambitions. In 1890 they agreed the special export
tax, which was used for paying foreign and european architects, buildings
materials (iron from Belgium, marble from Italy), decorators. But during of
three years, they managed to gathered only 5 % of wanted sum of money. That`s
why in 1893 the new tax was put and was obligatory for all inhabitants. Finally
the building was erected in 1897.
Irazu volcano eruptionOn March 19th of 1963 the catastrophic Irazu volcano
eruption happened. The cloud of ashes and steam was shoot upwards and that
covered the capital with 13-centimeters thick layer of mud.
If you have any questions, feel free to write to the owner of the page Rafal C. Piechocinski
and visit also the biggest web-page about Costa Rica in Europe at http://www.kostaryka.org/central2489.